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Web / JSP interview questions

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1. How do I test if a string contains the given value in EL?

Use the fn:contains() or fn:containsIgnoreCase() function.

<c:forEach items="${cartItems}" var="eachItem">
    <c:if test="${not fn:containsIgnoreCase(eachItem, 'egg')}">
        <p> ${eachItem} doesn't contain 'Egg'</p>

2. if-else option in JSTL.

<c:if> tag does not have else tag. So we can use <c:choose> as illustrated below for if-else if- else scenario.

  <c:when test="${condition1}">
  <c:when test="${condition2}">

3. How do I find or compare collection size using JSTL?

JSTL functions library (fn) could be used to find the size or compare size of the collection. for e.g.

<c:if test="${fn:length(listItems) gt 0}">
   <p>Items found.</p>

4. How do I access session scoped attributes in JSP?

Using the below scriptlet in JSP, the session attributes can be accessed.


Also the session attributes could be accessed using JSTL and Expression Language tag as shown below.

<c:out value="${sessionScope.sessionVarible}"/>

or using,

<c:out value="${sessionScope['sessionVariable']}"/>
5. What is Java Server Page (JSP)?

A Java Server Page (JSP) is a web page that contains two types of text: static data and JSP elements. Static data can be expressed in any text-based format, such as HTML or XML. JSP is a technology that mixes static content with dynamically-generated content.

6. Are JSP expressions evaluated inside a HTML comment on JSP page?

Yes, the JSP expressions will be resolved.


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