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Cloud / Pivotal Cloud foundry (PCF) interview questions

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1. What is Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF)?

Cloud Foundry is an open-source cloud computing platform originally developed in-house at VMware. It is a platform (PaaS) for cloud-native applications, it helps developers to just focus on code rather than worrying about the platform they use and their configurations.

PCF is now owned by Pivotal Software.

2. What is Cloud Foundry's container-based architecture?

PCF's container-based architecture runs apps in any programming language over a variety of cloud service providers. This multi-cloud environment allows developers to leverage the cloud platform that suits specific app workloads and move those workloads as necessary within minutes with no changes to the app.

3. Advantages of using Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
  • Fast application development and deployment, as Developers focus on coding rather than configuration.
  • Highly scalable and high availabilitiy architecture.
  • Less human error.
  • Multi-tenant compute efficiencies.
  • DevOps-friendly workflows.
4. What is Cloud Foundry BuildPack?

PCF Buildpacks provide framework and runtime support for applications. Buildpacks analyze the apps to decide which modules/dependencies to install and how to configure the apps to communicate with bound services. Cloud Foundry automatically detects an appropriate buildpack when you push an app. It Compiles and prepares the app for release using this build pack.

5. What is PCF Cli tool?

The Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) command-line interface (CLI) provides a set of commands for managing your apps. We can download and install the CLI in our laptop or desktop.

Installation instructions can be found here.

Use cf help to list all of the cf commands and associated help information. Use cf command_name -h to view detailed help information for a particular command.

6. Difference between open-source Cloud foundry and Pivotal cloud foundry.

Cloudfoundry open source software is the community maintained software and tools required to run cloud foundry on your own infrastructure. website:

Pivotal CF is a Pivotal branded installation of cloud foundry on your own infrastructure (AWS, VMware, OpenStack, Azure, etc) which has enterprise-grade support. It also offers an array of services like MySQL, Redis, ELK, RabbitMQ, etc. that can leverage their cloud foundry installation and have applications that use these services.

7. Is PCF (Pivotal Cloud Foundry) and AWS (Amazon Web Services) are similar?

Not really. PCF is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider while AWS is a mix of Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS) and PaaS.

Cloud Foundry is an open-source, multi-cloud application platform as a service (PaaS) governed by the Cloud Foundry Foundation. AWS platform is developed with a combination of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and packaged software as a service (SaaS) offerings.

8. What is GCP used for?

Google Cloud Platform offers services for computing, storage, networking, big data, machine learning, and the internet of things (IoT), as well as cloud management, security, and developer tools.

9. What is the difference between Restage and Restart in PCF?

Restarting your application stops your application and restarts it with the already compiled droplet.

Restaging your application stops your application and restages it, by compiling a new droplet and starting it.

10. What are Buildpacks in PCF?

Buildpacks are the scripts through which Cloud Foundry identifies the required runtime or framework for the application. Buildpacks are responsible for identifying an application’s related dependencies based on user-provided artifacts. They will then ensure everything is properly downloaded and configured.

11. What are droplets in PCF?

Droplet is the Cloud Foundry unit of execution. Once an application is pushed to Cloud Foundry and deployed using a buildpack, the result is a droplet. A droplet is an abstraction on top of the application that contains information like metadata. Those droplets are stored in blob storage for further deployment processes.

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