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Testing / Cucumber Interview Questions

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1. What is the Cucumber framework?

Cucumber is a behavior-driven development (BDD) testing tool. It provides a method for writing tests that anyone, regardless of technical knowledge, can comprehend. We can write test scripts from both the developer's and the customer's perspectives with Behavior Driven Development.

2. What is Gherkin Language?

Gherkin is a readable business language that allows you to define business activity without getting bogged down in implementation specifics. It's a domain-specific language for defining specs tests in Cucumber format. It describes use cases in plain English and helps users to remove logic elements from behavior testing.

3. Mention a few of the keywords in Cucumber.

Feature collects relevant scenarios and provides a high-level description of a software feature.

Rule is used to express a single business rule that should be followed. It adds to the information about a feature.

Example is a practical illustration of a business rule. It comprises a series of steps.

The Given steps are used to describe the system's initial context - the scenario's scene. It usually refers to an event that occurred in the past.

When describing an occurrence or an action, When is employed. It could be a user interacting with the system or an event generated by another system.

Then steps are employed to indicate an anticipated outcome or result.

A background helps you to give the situations that follow it some context. It can have one or more Given steps, which are executed prior to each scenario but after any Before hooks.

4. Which language is used in Cucumber?

Cucumber tool was originally written in the "Ruby" programming language. It was exclusively used only for testing Ruby as a complement to the RSpec BDD framework. But now, Cucumber supports a variety of different programming languages including Java, JavaScript, PHP, Net, Python, Perl, etc. with various implementations. In Java, it supports native JUnit.

Cucumber also uses Gherkin. It's a straightforward English representation of the app's functionality. It is used for defining test cases. It is intended to be non-technical and human-readable, and it describes use cases for a software system as a whole. It's a domain-specific (DSL), business-friendly language.

5. What are the files required in Cucumber Framework?

Feature File has plain text descriptions of single or numerous test situations. Keywords like Then, When, Background, Scenario Outline, Feature, And, But, and so on are used in the tests. As a result, it's a file that keeps track of features and their descriptions.

Step Definition File (.java file extension) acts as a translator between the test scenario steps provided in the feature file and the automation code. Cucumber searches the step definition file and executes the relevant functions that are assigned to that step when it runs a step described in the feature file.

TestRunner (.java file extension) connects the feature file and the step definition file. It allows the user to run one or more feature files at the same time. It contains the locations of the step definition and feature files.

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